After thoroughly assessing many proposals submitted, we gladly present you the recepients for Digits Research Grant 2020 as follow: -Kevin Mulia Rachman-Vecco Suryahadi Saputro-Larasati Puspa Martani Sugianto-Rahmah Nur Rizki-Muhammad Rafif Aulia-Rizka Estisia Pratiwi-Khansa Fathiyah Razan We believe that the fellow FEB’s students would bring more insights and idea for the advancement of digital innovation sphere.…
We are DIGITs Pusat Studi Inovasi Digital (Center for Digital Innovation Studies or DIGITS) was established as a form of efforts from FEB Unpad to accumulate and disseminate knowledge and expertise in the areas of innovation with respect to business and digitalization. Through a mission that leads the concept of “Sustaining the Diginnovation Ecosystem”, DIGITS…